My Decade in Review (Ten Years is a Really Fucking Long Time), “The Me Project,” Day 68
We’ve noticed that we’re all BS’ing online, and we’re getting pretty tired of it. It’s not new that we mask how we are/who we are from our friends and neighbors, just now there are more frequent photographs and comments, c/o social media. In our parents’ time, we had to wait for that perfect Christmas card from the Conners down the street, that revealed none of the marital or financial strife or trouble they were having with little Johnny, and only their smiles in matching sweaters in front of their beautifully decorated house.
Now, there’s the smiles, the sweaters, the decorations, the house CONSTANTLY. And THE SWIMSUITS. And rarely are people acknowledging how hard it was to stage that perfect shot because the house, the humans, the sweaters are all a hot mess 99.9% of the actual real time.
So, this Twitter thread written by @cfattorewvu is lovely and generous and rightly being shared, with relief, around the internets.
I’d like to offer one in like, as I’m inspired by her sharing. The unedited bits are italicized.
My decade in review:
Finished PA school, found my dream job in surgery! (scared shitless daily for first 2–3 years of practice and still sometimes)
Had a baby! (required fertility treatment, had 2 miscarriages, almost died from a freak illness that put me in the ICU for a week, hemorrhoids)
Fulfilling career! (changed jobs several times, lost all direction and sense of self)
Had another baby! (this one was easier right up until she came out. Oh, but also hemorrhoids)
Loving the fun times with the littles! (one kid ate my contacts)
So many great memories! (both contacts)
Traveled a ton! (EPCOT counts as international travel, yes?)
Married 17 years to the love of my life! (have apartment shopped numerous times over last decade)
Family of four! (pretty sure one kid overheard me asking “Why do people have children?” the other day in my frustration)
Started a small family business, which is thriving! (There is no money, only fear. Do not start a business with your spouse or you will want to murder and fire them on the daily)
Looking forward to the 20's! (Things should probably calm down now, winkwinksob)