Once Upon a Time I Got Lost in My Pile of Books
3 min readNov 4, 2020
I am currently reading or have just recently finished the following books, because I can never pick just one, and I am always trying to understand what makes a book good and book-ly. If you have others to add, I’d appreciate it, and if you want to know more about any of these listed, just ask. ALSO, IF YOU HAVE ANY IN THE WOMEN’S FICTION GENRE, SIMILAR TO WHAT I’M WRITING, I’D APPRECIATE IT- NEED TO READ MORE OF THIS!
- The Heroes Guide To, by Christopher Healy…. the kids and I just finished this trilogy and it is SO MUCH FUN. Highly recommend- it’s the Prince Charming/Disney Princesses tales all turned upside down and there’s sex role reversals, progressive male-male and male-female friendships, so much pirates and giant and pixies and silliness. The author is just really funny and fresh, and we all loved it. My kids are 6 and 9, but I think readers could go up to pre-teen and thoroughly enjoy it.
- More Myself by Alicia Keys….I’ve been listening to this one on audio for months and it’s so beautiful and firey. My son joined me on one of my meditative walks and we listened to it together and now he’s hooked, too. She talks (and sings/plays) about coming up in the industry and finding herself. It’s really cool and powerful.
- The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho….so here’s one of those books that I somehow never read but is, for many people I know, one of THE BOOKS that changed their lives and is considered their favorite that they’ve read a bazillion times over. (Another that falls in that category that I’ve only read recently) is “Their Eyes Were Watching God” by Zora Neale Hurston)- was my high school very white? Yes, my high school was VERY white. I’m still only half way through and having some trouble getting into it, so I’ll reserve any review yet. Also, I understand a little about the controversy surrounding the author, but am open to learning more if you want to teach me.
- The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd…captivating from the jump, I’m only 1/3 through, so I’ll hold off too much commentary on this one, too, but dammmmmnnnnn can she write prose! Jesus! ;)
- I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown…this is a short and brilliant account of racism, sexism, and power from a Black woman in Christian leadership. She’s so accessible, frank, totally gutting, but also hopeful. Cannot recommend enough.
- Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski…still reading and loving it- very academic about stress cycles and anxiety, also pop culture pops and humor. First found them on Brené Brown’s podcast: Recommend!
- Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor, by Layla Saad…this is up next for me. Who’s read it already?
- This Body is Not an Apology, by Sonya Renee Taylor…this is also up next for me. Who’s read it already? First found them on Brené Brown’s podcast: Recommend!