Oy With This Busy Life Already, Day 129, “The Me Project”
So….now it’s kind of spring time. Hello. Greetings. Glad to have you. Take a seat.
My commitment to myself for my 40th year of life was: no drinking, doing something creative daily, exercising/using my body daily, drinking water, and getting good sleep. I’m on day #129.
I have been writing daily, just not here. I’ve made pretty good progress on my novel and am begging friends to read it and give me feedback (feel free to message me if you’re interested). I’m also starting to submit pieces again to online mags and such. Oh! And I have been doing these timed writing competitions for a few years where you get assigned genre/subject/object and have 48 hours to turn it in- there’s short story, flash fiction, short screenplays, longer screenplays, etc- I do them as an exercise, for some intense fun, because I think it’s good for me. Also, the judges give some really helpful feedback. I’ve learned a lot. People from all over the world do it and there’s usually a large field to start with (1,000+ people), so I’ve only ever made it to the second round….I found out this week that in the short screenplay category, I’m in the top 35!! So tonight I’ll be getting my assignments for the final round! EEK!
Oh, hey, also I’m in the play ‘Shakespeare in Love’ right now at my fave local theater that opens tonight! So I’ll be writing and acting and hosting family and all kinds of other fun stuff this weekend! This is the kind of stress I choose and I’m really glad for all of it. So fun to be up to my eyeballs in creative deadlines. That may have sounded sarcastic, but it’s not. I really am feeling very thankful for all these opportunities to put myself out there, to play, to think, perchance to dream. ;)
What else is happening? Oh, the little business we run (that runs us)has been surprisingly busy lately, considering it’s ice cream and we live in a cold state. Also good stress! Hahaha- right?? The kids are kind of over the gloomy cold weather and our upset schedule right now with me being gone and stuff. As soon as the play is over, soccer, t-ball, and the ice cream season will really start. So, yeah. Awesome. (That was sarcasm, but just a wee little bit)
I’m not exercising or sleeping like I should yet, but I am eating decently (avoiding most sugar, being reasonable-esque with french fry intake), drinking water, and still off booze. Baby steppin’ toward my health.
Hope all is well on your ends. Toodles.