Sixty Seconds in My Head While Scrolling Through My Phone, Day 45, “The Me Project”
1 min readDec 13, 2019
- Hahaha I also need coffee to live. Good point.
- I really should try a new hair color. Blue? I like blue. But is it overdone?
- Oh, my God. Women are being burned with acid for spurning lovers in India- with that frequency? Men are terrible. I wish I could do something.
- Oh, that donut looks DIVINE.
- Didn’t she just get a puppy? And now she’s pregnant?! Whoa, regrets.
- I should wear more tea-length skirts.
- Google: What exactly is a tea-length skirt?
- Fuck, why are men hurting women so much? Toxic is right. The male ego is our biggest social problem.
- Notes app: The male ego is our biggest social AND HEALTH problem- consider essay
- It is a cute puppy, though. Should we get a dog? Are the kids ready?
- Google: Greyhound adoption in your area
- Yeah, maybe tea-length. I’d only have to shave to my knees.
- What do I tell my daughter about shaving? It’s so dumb and patriarchal but still SUCH an expectation.
- That puppy really is cute, though.
- Mmmm….vegan tirimisu!? I need that. I really do need coffee to live.