Member-only story
Ok, so if you know me personally, I’ve probably already convinced you to try the Apple TV show, “Ted Lasso,” and if you’ve tried it, you’ve later messaged me that ohmygod you loved it thanks so much for improving your life. Your’e welcome! If you’re one of those who has already heard my forty-seven minute monologue about why it’s the greatest show ever and you need to watch it immediately, you can skip this post. Make sure you come back for the following, though, because I’m going to do an episode recap weekly as the second season started this week and is slowly dripping out to us ONE DAMNED EPISODE AT A TIME FOR THE LOVE.
These will contain spoilers because I simply cannot keep my glee inside my pants. It’s like this show was written specifically for me. I just…I….sputtering happy noises.
Now, you may have come upon the show independent of me, I suppose, as this show is winning all kinds of major awards and all sorts of critics and famous people are also falling all over themselves for it. Of course it is/they are. It’s people at the top of their craft all making revolutionary comedy and drama. It’s exquisite. Am I overhyping it? I don’t think so. It’s that superb. So, what’s it all about? Coach Ted Lasso, a sweet, disarmingly funny, vulnerable, caring, intelligent character full of folksy one-liners, was originally built by Jason Sudeikis for a series…